Date and Place of Birth: 1st of March 1946, Pyrgos (Peloponnese)
Marital Status: Married to Maria Alexandra P. Magiakou. 4 Children (24,23,22 and 15 years old).
Highschool in Pyrgos
Studies at the University of Athens in Economics and Journalism
Foreign Languages:
English and French
Career Data:
1971-1975: Employee, Public Relations Dept. "Piraiki-Patraiki" group of Companies.
1976-1992: Founder and owner of the Company "Giorgis Doxas and associates" with several activities addressing mostly to the Health Market, i.e.
Organization of > 360 Hellenic and International Health Congresses-Seminars
Special Editions (mostly promotional) for the Health Market
Security signaling of working areas
Promotion of Products / Services / Enterprises
Seminars in Marketing / Communication for the Health Market
"Image making" of several personalities in Athletics and Politics
1990-2001: Cofounder and shareholder of several Companies dealing with Promotion of Products
and Services in the Health Market.
2004-2007: Collaboration with the 1st Dpt of Pediatrics of the University of Athens Medical School
for the celebration of its 150th Anniversary (special editions, production of a documentary
film, concert, presentations etc).
2008-2009: Founder of "Peace and Glory S.A."
Social Engagements - Writing - Other:
1. Founder (1980) of the 1st ecologic movement In Greece "EPESKOU (pick up your litter)"
2. Member of several Hellenic Societies (Public Relations, Greek Studies, Literary men of Southwest
Greece, etc).
3. Author of 18 essays, monographies and poetic books (not on sale).
4. Author of >1000 articles and letters to Journals and magazines concerning
mostly social issues or political and culture remarks.
5. Founder and President of the World Association for the proclamation of Ancient Olympia
as Autonomous City of Culture (Vatican of Olympic Games).